Today, when Canadian business leaders speak about the issues of public policy, it is important to question whose interests they are serving. Many of them now work for foreign – owned companies whose presence in Canada is not unlike a one – night stand. If they can get a better deal elsewhere, they’ll be gone tomorrow.
Other industrialized countries realize this. Most European countries have stringent procedures for reviewing foreign buyouts, ensuring that industries considered essential to their societies, such as utilities and transportation companies, remain under majority domestic control. Japan, the world’s second largest economy, is even more restrictive. Only in Britain is global capitalism as unrestrained as it is in Canada. To some degree, Canadian voters have themselves to blame. Following the sale the Bay and Fairmount Hotels, the Economist said: “In many other countries, the sale of national heirlooms would spark fierce opposition. Not in Canada.”
Well, not yet. But remember, it took just ten years for Pierre Trudeau to cut foreign control of the Canadian economy almost in half. All that is needed is for the Canadians to realize the scope of the corporate sellout that’s underway and the relative ease with which we could stop it. Ten years? When do we start?”
It’s one of the few policies that Pierre got right in what was otherwise a very culturally destructive series of terms in office for Canada. In order to facilitate the mentality that leads to new ideas, Canada should focus its attention on its entrepreneurial capabilities. Besides protecting what Canada already has, much more should be done to further encourage and promote the creation of more start up firms. The government should invest much more in the Liberal arts. These programs train students how to think critically. America has about 900 Liberal arts colleges compared to only about 3 in Canada. New ideas will lead to innovations; which are the main creators of new wealth. Creativity and critical thinking are the traits that push people towards innovation. These are the main ingredients that drive the new global information economy. Citizens of advanced nations that are bestowed with a strong sense of national identity do the best economically and socially. America now leads the entire world in these critically important areas. However, the Americans have also been caught up in a tangled mess of white guilt and shameless apologizing. In “THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS AND THE REMAKING OF NEW WORLD ORDER”, Samuel Huntington explained that:
“The multicultural trend was also manifested in a variety of legislation that followed the civil rights acts of the 1960s, and in the 1990s the Clinton administration made the encouragement of diversity one of its major goals. The contrast with the past is striking. The Founding Fathers saw diversity as a reality and as a problem: hence the national motto, e pluribus unum, chosen by a committee of the Continental Congress consisting of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams. Later, political leaders who also were fearful of the dangers of racial, sectional, ethnic, economic, and cultural diversity (which, indeed, produced the largest war of the century between 1815 and 1914), responded to the call of “bring us together,” and made the promotion of national unity their central responsibility. “The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all,” warned Theodore Rooselvelt, “would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.”
It’s shameful that instead of promoting Canadian culture and heritage and sharing Canada’s greatness with new citizens; the government does everything possible to encourage people to continue living life as though they never left their home country.
By: Shawn Dalton
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