On 03/10/2011, the management of the University of Economics in Prague banned long announced and approved by the debate on the Islamization of danger for the Czech Republic, which was in place on the premises of the University of 3.10.2011 from 19.30 hours. For AntiMešita also co-organizing the association Cashflow President, Mr. Rektorys, all discussing (Mr. Roman Joch, doc. Martin Pot, Beatrice Radosa, Mr. Valentin Kusak) express outrage and disappointment over the procedure of Economics.
Based on email correspondence, which was running the University of protests from Muslims, was banned in a democratic state an objective debate on the Islamization of danger for the Czech Republic.
We are appalled by the application of a multicultural approach that is dying, and who spoke out against politicians across the political spectrum and across European countries including the Czech Republic. The worst legacy of multiculturalism is that people who fear the Islamization and against it, are afraid to speak openly, not to be immediately labeled as xenophobes or even Nazis and fascists. Muslims in the Czech Republic appear under their names, native Czechs appear only anonymously. Is not that perverse? Our discussion had to fight against the multicultural mindset.
AntiMešita activity aims to create community-wide discussion about the topic of Islamization of the Czech Republic. This work led us to the University on 10.3.2011 prohibited. I'm not a politician, I'm just a simple citizen of the Czech audiences. I am interested in the protection resulting from Jewish culture and Christian values, I want to protect democracy and won freedom for themselves and future generations. You can mark me for such words like fascist, extremist, neo-Nazi? I believe not.
Yet to me, and even discussing all the people in the discussion of the danger of Islamization of the Czech Republic Economics Management preserved, as if we were NACC dangerous fascists and extremists. It should be noted that this ban will encourage our part even greater efforts begin with the realization of the societal debate over the issue of Islamization of the Czech Republic, the necessity to consider the laws on immigration, religion and other such laws, and edit and create so that they are in the Czech dlouhobě Republic maintained the values of democracy and individual freedom.
Ing. Valentin Kusák
chairman AntiMešita o.s.
Hradec Králové, 3.10.2011
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