Civic Association AntiMešita respectively. AntiMešita are Envi-profit organizations, but many need to be addressed both in the business firm, something rather like that of a government or government due to the citizen. I will deal with the marketing mix, even if the terms of our activities (product) and tracing our target audience (customers) interesting. I will focus in this reflection on "public relations" in general.
The basis of my work is communicating with people, either directly or indirectly, by mail, telephone contact and the discussions that we hold. One option is to check what people have in mind and according to the Islamization of the control, direction or identify themselves and discuss with people / the public, what are their views on and aimed at by navrhnutému problem. Currently, everything is a combination of both, though is the fact that the predominant need to determine trends and problem on my part. This is because the question / issue of Islamization, its knowledge is at the grassroots level still rooted. Citizens are still taught that the danger of Islamization, and therefore everything must be discussed and addressed. Great importance, or rather a problem in my relationship to people is the fact that people often speak openly, openly or write mail, but want to keep a certain way to remain anonymous, hard to find people who are willing to implement at least on a small scale operation in the fight against Islamization.
The public can hold but wider than the individual people / citizens or their meat. The public sphere, which must be in the frame is wider:
1 individual people who contact me
second visitors to our discussions,
3rd state administration and local government employees and its
fourth politicians across the political spectrum from straight up to the municipal level of parliamentary
fifth organization with a political subtext
6th school teachers and seventh NGOs
8th business community
ninth Church and its representatives
10th Media
In all these areas before a person can do their promo (sales support - part of the Promotion). Nothing is possible in relation to the public underestimated. When I appeared in autumn 2010 as an initiative AntiMešitaHK, I was primarily responsible for himself. From December 2, 2010 changed everything, because they were based association AntiMešita and AntiMešita-Envi. I became chairman, and suddenly I like to look at initial interest in the association. So when I stand somewhere (I'm lucky), I sing for myself, but I figure as well as associations and it is already responsible.
Ing. Valentin Kusak Chairman AntiMešita AntiMešita axes and Envi-axis
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