The War.
pondělí 31. října 2011
pondělí 24. října 2011
I Kusak, AntiMešita and Public Relations
Civic Association AntiMešita respectively. AntiMešita are Envi-profit organizations, but many need to be addressed both in the business firm, something rather like that of a government or government due to the citizen. I will deal with the marketing mix, even if the terms of our activities (product) and tracing our target audience (customers) interesting. I will focus in this reflection on "public relations" in general.
The basis of my work is communicating with people, either directly or indirectly, by mail, telephone contact and the discussions that we hold. One option is to check what people have in mind and according to the Islamization of the control, direction or identify themselves and discuss with people / the public, what are their views on and aimed at by navrhnutému problem. Currently, everything is a combination of both, though is the fact that the predominant need to determine trends and problem on my part. This is because the question / issue of Islamization, its knowledge is at the grassroots level still rooted. Citizens are still taught that the danger of Islamization, and therefore everything must be discussed and addressed. Great importance, or rather a problem in my relationship to people is the fact that people often speak openly, openly or write mail, but want to keep a certain way to remain anonymous, hard to find people who are willing to implement at least on a small scale operation in the fight against Islamization.
The public can hold but wider than the individual people / citizens or their meat. The public sphere, which must be in the frame is wider:
1 individual people who contact me
second visitors to our discussions,
3rd state administration and local government employees and its
fourth politicians across the political spectrum from straight up to the municipal level of parliamentary
fifth organization with a political subtext
6th school teachers and seventh NGOs
8th business community
ninth Church and its representatives
10th Media
In all these areas before a person can do their promo (sales support - part of the Promotion). Nothing is possible in relation to the public underestimated. When I appeared in autumn 2010 as an initiative AntiMešitaHK, I was primarily responsible for himself. From December 2, 2010 changed everything, because they were based association AntiMešita and AntiMešita-Envi. I became chairman, and suddenly I like to look at initial interest in the association. So when I stand somewhere (I'm lucky), I sing for myself, but I figure as well as associations and it is already responsible.
Ing. Valentin Kusak Chairman AntiMešita AntiMešita axes and Envi-axis
středa 19. října 2011
Мусульмане, СМИ и теракт Брейвика
«Кафир будет проклят, где бы он ни был – в плену или мертвым. Аллах делал это с его предшественниками, и вы не можете менять методы Аллаха», - так было сказано еще в 7 веке. При этом кафир – это арабский термин для обозначения немусульманина.
Согласно сообщениям чешских СМИ, норвежская пресса подвергла критике местную полицию за то, что она не следила за деятельностью будущего серийного убийцы Брейвика на антиисламских интернет-сайтах. Мы, конечно же, разделяем эту точку зрения. Норвежская полиция и спецслужбы могли предотвратить массовую бойню. Но это также относится и к исламскому учению, которое помимо религиозных и социально-политических аспектов, содержит ряд призывов к насилию, ксенофобии и геноциду, как, например, то изречение, которое я привел в начале своей статьи. Рекомендую читателям также посмотреть суры 2:191, 9:5, 51:11 и 3:127.
Отчеты по борьбе с терроризмом показывают, что такие слова Аллаха находят своих слушателей. И это противоречит декларации прав и свобод, являющейся основой конституций демократических стран. Законодательство и правовые системы должны обеспечивать сохранение демократического государства. Если исламская культура вступает в конфликт с демократией и свободой, мусульмане должны быть поставлены перед выбором: приспособиться или уйти. Мультикультурализм говорит нам, что такое решение противоречит истории, однако именно мультикультурный подход к иммигрантам фактически ликвидировал культуру принимающих стран. Это мусульмане усвоили с самого начала.
Необходимо отметить еще один интересный и, возможно, системно опасный момент в связи с террористическим нападением Брейвика. Интересно, что норвежские СМИ не осветили антиизраильские игры, проходившие за день до бойни в Утойе. Об этих настроениях свидетельствуют и слова одного из выживших детей: «Я думал, что Брейвик – это израильский солдат». Ненависть к евреям закрывает глаза на рост преступности, виновниками чего в основном являются мусульмане-иммигранты из Северной Африки.
Сегодня средства массовой информации формируют общественное мнение. Будут ли они также формировать социальные и правовые нормы? «Когда на поле боя встретите кафира, рубите им головы, пока они не будут полностью поражены», - так повелел Аллах 1400 лет назад. Некоторые политические партии, особенно за рубежом, через средства массовой информации, используют приведенные выше цитаты, которым и следуют радикально настроенные мусульмане.
Вы можете посмотреть кадры различных мусульманских демонстраций в Европе. Мусульмане, выходящие на улицы с баннерами «Смерть демократии» стало вполне обычным делом. В Англии такие демонстрации проходят при содействии местной полиции, которая почему-то оставляет незамеченными полные ненависти лозунги мусульман и их призыв убивать кафиров. Вот так далеко может зайти политика мультикультурализма в отношении мусульман.
Валентин Кусак, председатель организации AntiMešita.
pátek 14. října 2011
Slaughtering Sheep: The Planned Destruction of Canada’s Sovereignty By Immigration - Part II.

Today, when Canadian business leaders speak about the issues of public policy, it is important to question whose interests they are serving. Many of them now work for foreign – owned companies whose presence in Canada is not unlike a one – night stand. If they can get a better deal elsewhere, they’ll be gone tomorrow.
Other industrialized countries realize this. Most European countries have stringent procedures for reviewing foreign buyouts, ensuring that industries considered essential to their societies, such as utilities and transportation companies, remain under majority domestic control. Japan, the world’s second largest economy, is even more restrictive. Only in Britain is global capitalism as unrestrained as it is in Canada. To some degree, Canadian voters have themselves to blame. Following the sale the Bay and Fairmount Hotels, the Economist said: “In many other countries, the sale of national heirlooms would spark fierce opposition. Not in Canada.”
Well, not yet. But remember, it took just ten years for Pierre Trudeau to cut foreign control of the Canadian economy almost in half. All that is needed is for the Canadians to realize the scope of the corporate sellout that’s underway and the relative ease with which we could stop it. Ten years? When do we start?”
It’s one of the few policies that Pierre got right in what was otherwise a very culturally destructive series of terms in office for Canada. In order to facilitate the mentality that leads to new ideas, Canada should focus its attention on its entrepreneurial capabilities. Besides protecting what Canada already has, much more should be done to further encourage and promote the creation of more start up firms. The government should invest much more in the Liberal arts. These programs train students how to think critically. America has about 900 Liberal arts colleges compared to only about 3 in Canada. New ideas will lead to innovations; which are the main creators of new wealth. Creativity and critical thinking are the traits that push people towards innovation. These are the main ingredients that drive the new global information economy. Citizens of advanced nations that are bestowed with a strong sense of national identity do the best economically and socially. America now leads the entire world in these critically important areas. However, the Americans have also been caught up in a tangled mess of white guilt and shameless apologizing. In “THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS AND THE REMAKING OF NEW WORLD ORDER”, Samuel Huntington explained that:
“The multicultural trend was also manifested in a variety of legislation that followed the civil rights acts of the 1960s, and in the 1990s the Clinton administration made the encouragement of diversity one of its major goals. The contrast with the past is striking. The Founding Fathers saw diversity as a reality and as a problem: hence the national motto, e pluribus unum, chosen by a committee of the Continental Congress consisting of Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams. Later, political leaders who also were fearful of the dangers of racial, sectional, ethnic, economic, and cultural diversity (which, indeed, produced the largest war of the century between 1815 and 1914), responded to the call of “bring us together,” and made the promotion of national unity their central responsibility. “The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation at all,” warned Theodore Rooselvelt, “would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.”
It’s shameful that instead of promoting Canadian culture and heritage and sharing Canada’s greatness with new citizens; the government does everything possible to encourage people to continue living life as though they never left their home country.
By: Shawn Dalton
úterý 11. října 2011
Slaughtering Sheep: Part I. - The Planned Destruction of Canada’s Sovereignty By Immigration
By: Shawn Dalton
Who is an immigrant? According to Webster’s New World Thesaurus: “it is a newcomer, a naturalized citizen and adoptive citizen.” There are three myths that continue to confuse and deceive Canadians concerning identity, immigrants and immigration. The first is that Canada’s identity is based on immigration and multiculturalism. The second is that massive immigration compensates for anemic birthrates and to fill a labor shortage. The last is that massive amounts of immigration boost Canada’s economic success and security. These are myths perpetuated over and over again by lawyers, politicians and religious groups. The cold hard facts of reality will easily refute such chicanery. At the end of the day, Canadians and immigrants deserve an accountable, healthy and responsible immigration system that benefits Canada’s own economic self-interests.
Canada has a nearly eighty percent Christian population (refer to: Canada Year Book 2009). That’s why Christmas is celebrated with such enthusiasm. Canada is therefore a Christian nation. Canadian culture is English and French. It’s also hockey and beer. Foreign-born citizens comprise approximately seventeen per cent out of a total population of thirty four million people. Americans love guns, football, beer and are devout churchgoers every Sunday. The United States has a foreign born population of ten per cent or about thirty million people out of a total population of three hundred and seven million people. India is eighty percent Hindu and cricket is the national sport. The best kick boxers are from Thailand, a majority Buddhist peoples. The only place that might come close to the reality of an immigrant or multicultural state is the United Arab Emirates. The reality is shown through the investigations of Pepe Escobar of the Asian Times. He stated:
“At the base is the average construction worker, inevitably South Asian, either Pakistani or Indian. He’s invisible. But he and his fellow workers now comprise an astonishing 80% of the UAE’s population. Human rights Watch has repeatedly complained that this archetypal construction worker is never treated like a human being. But the UAE power structure couldn’t care less. He works a minimum of 12 hours a day in [temperatures of] up to 50 degrees, with a half-hour break, six days a week, and earns no more than $150 a month. He lives in a camp, four and sometimes as many as 12 to a 15 – square meter room lost in the dreary al – Quoz industrial suburb….He has no rights. Trade unions are banned. If he speaks up, he’s instantly deported.”
Since these workers aren’t even given citizenship rights, the UAE by definition, is also not an immigrant country. However, it does appear to be based solely on brutal repression and human slavery. Opinion polls reflected the reality that most people felt towards newcomers. Victor Malarek was an award winning senior reporter for the Globe and Mail Newspaper. In 1987, he released “HAVEN’S GATE: Canada’s Immigration Fiasco”.
Victor discovered that the wishes of Canadians were at complete odds with the political elite in charge of Canada’s immigration policies. How did ordinary Canadians truly feel about immigration, assimilation and other complex issues?
“ A study of attitudes done by Policy Concepts Inc. for Employment and Immigration Canada released in November 1985, uncovered a disturbing level of racism among Canadians – primarily in Montreal, Edmonton and Vancouver – based on fear that Canada’s predominantly Anglo – Saxon and European culture could be swallowed up by increased immigration from Third World countries. Over all, people surveyed believed that immigrants add to unemployment, compete with Canadians for educational and employment opportunities, and add to their tax burden if they are unable to find work.
The study also found that there was a general feeling among the respondents that new Canadians do not make sufficient efforts to assimilate. Visible groups such as Chinese, Indo – Pakistanis and black were singled out repeatedly. The respondents said they would like future immigrants to Canada to be “monied, well – trained, well – educated and ready to assimilate.” They saw present immigrants as poor, mostly from Third World countries, uneducated, untrained, reluctant to assimilate, prone to congregate in urban ghettos and a potential tax burden. “This immigrant is seen as posing a threat to our economy and our social fabric and a quality of life Canadians are reluctant to relinquish,” the study stated, adding that there was serious apprehension among respondents of Anglo – Saxon and northern European background” about becoming a minority group in one’s own country.” Most respondents also favored strict immigration controls. Some said they would like to see immigration stopped completely “until we get our house in order” and take care of those already here.
During the next two years, thousands of bogus queue jumpers from Portugal, Turkey and a few hundred from Brazil forced the government to place Visa restrictions on these countries. However, no further action was taken. The immigrant vote was not to be disturbed; it was to be fought over. It was to be used as an ethnic vote bank, to be nurtured and encouraged no matter what the economic circumstances. Even if there weren’t enough jobs, mass immigration was to be relentlessly continued. Two years later, not much had changed. Canadians knew something was seriously wrong.
“ It comes as no surprise that a public opinion poll carried out by Environics Research Group Ltd. for the Globe and Mail in early March 1987, found that 65 per cent of Canadians questioned felt there was too much immigration into Canada. Much of the negative sentiment by Canadians toward immigrants can be directly traced to their lack of trust in the government’s ability to handle immigration.”
“ In a public opinion poll published in the Toronto Star on June 3, 1987, 83 per cent of Canadians questioned said they supported a bill introduced in the House of Commons a month earlier that would make it far more difficult for people claiming refugee status to enter the country.”
As Canadians are being forced to share the public space with new Canadians, it became apparent that the most important thing to bring along wasn’t a book, but an I Pod or walk man. Canadians found it a major headache to have to listen to Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tagalong, Mandarin, German, Russian and Spanish. On September 11, 1998, the Vancouver Sun ran a report on a poll that Angus Reid Associates had done earlier in the year for Madame Robillard’s department. The results were stunning but fair, accurate yet revealing.
“The poll…indicates an overwhelming number of Canadians (76 per cent) want newcomers to be able to speak either French or English when they arrive and want immigration officials to institute tough measures to ensure that immigrants are healthy and have no criminal record.”
It’s possible that Prime Minister Stephen Harper might be seen as a red neck Canadian dictator. However, at least he listened to our American neighbors south of the border. The Liberals never even tried to meet the Yanks half way. They shunned their noses up at them. Part of being a strong leader is the ability to listen to critics and adjust accordingly. On the eve of the Tory majority, Harper finally got together with Barack Obama and signed that border agreement. There was sufficient evidence that Canadians would have given their blessings much sooner.
“An Ipsos – Reid poll released in October 2001 found that more than 80 percent in favour of a joint North American security perimeter and a harmonized immigration and refugee system.”
After September 11th, most Canadians understood that we are in a clash of civilizations. The assault on western civilization had started. The Americans considered themselves to be in a state of war and Canada should be as supportive as possible. Canadians and Americans share common bonds and values. The people arriving on our shores must be here to add to our cultural and economic prosperity and not to wage holy jihad against infidels. There are limits to how welcoming Canadians can be. This brings us to the second myth; that massive immigration compensates for anemic birthrates and a labor shortage.
The government is always talking about falling birthrates and a looming labor shortage. This rhetoric is constantly reinforced by government agencies.
“Canada’s post recession economy demands a high level of legal immigration to keep our work force strong,” stated Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.
“Instead of continuing the destructive trend of bringing in 178,487 temporary workers to Canada each year, the Conservatives should allow for even more families to join their loved ones in Canada,” said NDP immigration critic Olivia Chow.
“I think we can look at getting over the 250,000 mark and up to approaching 1% of our population if not going beyond that,” stated Liberal immigration critic Justin Trudeau.
“With their strong work ethic and entrepreneurship, they create wealth and increase demand for housing and services, which creates jobs. They trigger a virtuous economic cycle,” wrote Haroon Siddiqui in The Toronto Star.
“We need more immigration, we need better family reunification. The [Tory] government has gone completely wrong on family reunification. We need to increase family reunification visas. The best way to do immigration is family reunification,” stated Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff while attending the annual Khalsa Day parade.
”We’re becoming ever more dependent on immigration in order to grow this economy. Regardless of your political stripe, we need to ensure that we are seen to be attractive place for immigrants and very efficient in providing services [to newcomers so that they become contributing members of the society and our economy,” stated Ontario Premier Dalton Mc Guinty in an interview at Queen’s Park with The Generation Next Newspaper.
Who is an immigrant? According to Webster’s New World Thesaurus: “it is a newcomer, a naturalized citizen and adoptive citizen.” There are three myths that continue to confuse and deceive Canadians concerning identity, immigrants and immigration. The first is that Canada’s identity is based on immigration and multiculturalism. The second is that massive immigration compensates for anemic birthrates and to fill a labor shortage. The last is that massive amounts of immigration boost Canada’s economic success and security. These are myths perpetuated over and over again by lawyers, politicians and religious groups. The cold hard facts of reality will easily refute such chicanery. At the end of the day, Canadians and immigrants deserve an accountable, healthy and responsible immigration system that benefits Canada’s own economic self-interests.
Canada has a nearly eighty percent Christian population (refer to: Canada Year Book 2009). That’s why Christmas is celebrated with such enthusiasm. Canada is therefore a Christian nation. Canadian culture is English and French. It’s also hockey and beer. Foreign-born citizens comprise approximately seventeen per cent out of a total population of thirty four million people. Americans love guns, football, beer and are devout churchgoers every Sunday. The United States has a foreign born population of ten per cent or about thirty million people out of a total population of three hundred and seven million people. India is eighty percent Hindu and cricket is the national sport. The best kick boxers are from Thailand, a majority Buddhist peoples. The only place that might come close to the reality of an immigrant or multicultural state is the United Arab Emirates. The reality is shown through the investigations of Pepe Escobar of the Asian Times. He stated:
“At the base is the average construction worker, inevitably South Asian, either Pakistani or Indian. He’s invisible. But he and his fellow workers now comprise an astonishing 80% of the UAE’s population. Human rights Watch has repeatedly complained that this archetypal construction worker is never treated like a human being. But the UAE power structure couldn’t care less. He works a minimum of 12 hours a day in [temperatures of] up to 50 degrees, with a half-hour break, six days a week, and earns no more than $150 a month. He lives in a camp, four and sometimes as many as 12 to a 15 – square meter room lost in the dreary al – Quoz industrial suburb….He has no rights. Trade unions are banned. If he speaks up, he’s instantly deported.”
Since these workers aren’t even given citizenship rights, the UAE by definition, is also not an immigrant country. However, it does appear to be based solely on brutal repression and human slavery. Opinion polls reflected the reality that most people felt towards newcomers. Victor Malarek was an award winning senior reporter for the Globe and Mail Newspaper. In 1987, he released “HAVEN’S GATE: Canada’s Immigration Fiasco”.
Victor discovered that the wishes of Canadians were at complete odds with the political elite in charge of Canada’s immigration policies. How did ordinary Canadians truly feel about immigration, assimilation and other complex issues?
“ A study of attitudes done by Policy Concepts Inc. for Employment and Immigration Canada released in November 1985, uncovered a disturbing level of racism among Canadians – primarily in Montreal, Edmonton and Vancouver – based on fear that Canada’s predominantly Anglo – Saxon and European culture could be swallowed up by increased immigration from Third World countries. Over all, people surveyed believed that immigrants add to unemployment, compete with Canadians for educational and employment opportunities, and add to their tax burden if they are unable to find work.
The study also found that there was a general feeling among the respondents that new Canadians do not make sufficient efforts to assimilate. Visible groups such as Chinese, Indo – Pakistanis and black were singled out repeatedly. The respondents said they would like future immigrants to Canada to be “monied, well – trained, well – educated and ready to assimilate.” They saw present immigrants as poor, mostly from Third World countries, uneducated, untrained, reluctant to assimilate, prone to congregate in urban ghettos and a potential tax burden. “This immigrant is seen as posing a threat to our economy and our social fabric and a quality of life Canadians are reluctant to relinquish,” the study stated, adding that there was serious apprehension among respondents of Anglo – Saxon and northern European background” about becoming a minority group in one’s own country.” Most respondents also favored strict immigration controls. Some said they would like to see immigration stopped completely “until we get our house in order” and take care of those already here.
During the next two years, thousands of bogus queue jumpers from Portugal, Turkey and a few hundred from Brazil forced the government to place Visa restrictions on these countries. However, no further action was taken. The immigrant vote was not to be disturbed; it was to be fought over. It was to be used as an ethnic vote bank, to be nurtured and encouraged no matter what the economic circumstances. Even if there weren’t enough jobs, mass immigration was to be relentlessly continued. Two years later, not much had changed. Canadians knew something was seriously wrong.
“ It comes as no surprise that a public opinion poll carried out by Environics Research Group Ltd. for the Globe and Mail in early March 1987, found that 65 per cent of Canadians questioned felt there was too much immigration into Canada. Much of the negative sentiment by Canadians toward immigrants can be directly traced to their lack of trust in the government’s ability to handle immigration.”
“ In a public opinion poll published in the Toronto Star on June 3, 1987, 83 per cent of Canadians questioned said they supported a bill introduced in the House of Commons a month earlier that would make it far more difficult for people claiming refugee status to enter the country.”
As Canadians are being forced to share the public space with new Canadians, it became apparent that the most important thing to bring along wasn’t a book, but an I Pod or walk man. Canadians found it a major headache to have to listen to Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tagalong, Mandarin, German, Russian and Spanish. On September 11, 1998, the Vancouver Sun ran a report on a poll that Angus Reid Associates had done earlier in the year for Madame Robillard’s department. The results were stunning but fair, accurate yet revealing.
“The poll…indicates an overwhelming number of Canadians (76 per cent) want newcomers to be able to speak either French or English when they arrive and want immigration officials to institute tough measures to ensure that immigrants are healthy and have no criminal record.”
It’s possible that Prime Minister Stephen Harper might be seen as a red neck Canadian dictator. However, at least he listened to our American neighbors south of the border. The Liberals never even tried to meet the Yanks half way. They shunned their noses up at them. Part of being a strong leader is the ability to listen to critics and adjust accordingly. On the eve of the Tory majority, Harper finally got together with Barack Obama and signed that border agreement. There was sufficient evidence that Canadians would have given their blessings much sooner.
“An Ipsos – Reid poll released in October 2001 found that more than 80 percent in favour of a joint North American security perimeter and a harmonized immigration and refugee system.”
After September 11th, most Canadians understood that we are in a clash of civilizations. The assault on western civilization had started. The Americans considered themselves to be in a state of war and Canada should be as supportive as possible. Canadians and Americans share common bonds and values. The people arriving on our shores must be here to add to our cultural and economic prosperity and not to wage holy jihad against infidels. There are limits to how welcoming Canadians can be. This brings us to the second myth; that massive immigration compensates for anemic birthrates and a labor shortage.
The government is always talking about falling birthrates and a looming labor shortage. This rhetoric is constantly reinforced by government agencies.
“Canada’s post recession economy demands a high level of legal immigration to keep our work force strong,” stated Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.
“Instead of continuing the destructive trend of bringing in 178,487 temporary workers to Canada each year, the Conservatives should allow for even more families to join their loved ones in Canada,” said NDP immigration critic Olivia Chow.
“I think we can look at getting over the 250,000 mark and up to approaching 1% of our population if not going beyond that,” stated Liberal immigration critic Justin Trudeau.
“With their strong work ethic and entrepreneurship, they create wealth and increase demand for housing and services, which creates jobs. They trigger a virtuous economic cycle,” wrote Haroon Siddiqui in The Toronto Star.
“We need more immigration, we need better family reunification. The [Tory] government has gone completely wrong on family reunification. We need to increase family reunification visas. The best way to do immigration is family reunification,” stated Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff while attending the annual Khalsa Day parade.
”We’re becoming ever more dependent on immigration in order to grow this economy. Regardless of your political stripe, we need to ensure that we are seen to be attractive place for immigrants and very efficient in providing services [to newcomers so that they become contributing members of the society and our economy,” stated Ontario Premier Dalton Mc Guinty in an interview at Queen’s Park with The Generation Next Newspaper.
pátek 7. října 2011
Саудовская Аравия помогает экстремистам, а не бедным
Саудовская Аравия тратит миллионы и миллиарды долларов на продвижение ислама и ваххабизма в мире, а также активно поддерживает строительство мечетей и исламских центров. Страна, наполняющая свой бюджет нефтедолларами, спонсирует только избранные ассоциации и благотворительные центры, причем остается неясным, на что идет финансирование. Во многих случаях средства, выделенные Саудовской Аравией, оказываются в руках экстремистов.
В 2007 году преимущественно мусульманские страны-члены ОПЕК выделили продовольственную помощь голодающим в размере 1.5 миллионов долл., при том что их доходы в 2007 году составили 674 миллиарда долларов. Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, заработав в 2007 году на продаже нефти 63 миллиарда долл., выделили на нужды голодающих всего 50 000 долларов. Львиная доля помощи голодающим выплачивается именно европейскими и другими немусульманскими странами. Сейчас появляются сообщения в прессе о том, что Палестина получает финансовую помощь, которая предназначается для террористов, находящихся в израильских тюрьмах. Этот факт не может не вызывать беспокойства, тем не менее, ни один политик до сих пор не поднял этот вопрос.
Саудовская Аравия строит сеть мечетей и исламских центров по всему миру, которые потом становятся центрами экстремизма. В качестве примера можно привести мечеть в немецком Бонне, где в 1995 году была построена мечеть саудовского короля Фахда, которая оказывала поддержку террористам. Принцесса Хаифа, жена саудовского посла в США, пожертвовала 130 000 долларов на нужды людей, которые, как позже выяснилось, имели отношение к захвату самолетов в 2001 году в Нью-Йорке, чтобы они смогли поселиться в Сан-Диего. Другая саудовская мечеть также передала 550 000 долларов в Сан-Диего. Мечети в Бонне и Сан-Диего служили в качестве базы для 15-ти террористов, имевших отношение к теракту 2001 года.
Тем временем, Саудовская Аравия запрещает строительство церквей и дискриминирует христиан. Поэтому важно подчеркнуть опасность нынешней ситуации в Чехии и Европе. Везде господствует толерантное отношение к деятельности Саудовской Аравии, которая занимается спонсированием мирового радикального исламизма. Экономические интересы и нефтяной вопрос ослепили наших политиков, которые занимаются распродажей свобод и демократии, полученных нашими предками после победы над исламом сотни лет назад. Важно, чтобы граждане Чехии представляли себе, чем является Саудовская Аравия, страна, с которой чешские политики заключают долгосрочные контракты и проводят встречи и переговоры.
Валентин Кусак, председатель чешских организаций против строительства мечетей - AntiMešita o.s. и AntiMešita-Envi o.s
Источник: пресс-релиз организации AntiMešita
В 2007 году преимущественно мусульманские страны-члены ОПЕК выделили продовольственную помощь голодающим в размере 1.5 миллионов долл., при том что их доходы в 2007 году составили 674 миллиарда долларов. Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, заработав в 2007 году на продаже нефти 63 миллиарда долл., выделили на нужды голодающих всего 50 000 долларов. Львиная доля помощи голодающим выплачивается именно европейскими и другими немусульманскими странами. Сейчас появляются сообщения в прессе о том, что Палестина получает финансовую помощь, которая предназначается для террористов, находящихся в израильских тюрьмах. Этот факт не может не вызывать беспокойства, тем не менее, ни один политик до сих пор не поднял этот вопрос.
Саудовская Аравия строит сеть мечетей и исламских центров по всему миру, которые потом становятся центрами экстремизма. В качестве примера можно привести мечеть в немецком Бонне, где в 1995 году была построена мечеть саудовского короля Фахда, которая оказывала поддержку террористам. Принцесса Хаифа, жена саудовского посла в США, пожертвовала 130 000 долларов на нужды людей, которые, как позже выяснилось, имели отношение к захвату самолетов в 2001 году в Нью-Йорке, чтобы они смогли поселиться в Сан-Диего. Другая саудовская мечеть также передала 550 000 долларов в Сан-Диего. Мечети в Бонне и Сан-Диего служили в качестве базы для 15-ти террористов, имевших отношение к теракту 2001 года.
Тем временем, Саудовская Аравия запрещает строительство церквей и дискриминирует христиан. Поэтому важно подчеркнуть опасность нынешней ситуации в Чехии и Европе. Везде господствует толерантное отношение к деятельности Саудовской Аравии, которая занимается спонсированием мирового радикального исламизма. Экономические интересы и нефтяной вопрос ослепили наших политиков, которые занимаются распродажей свобод и демократии, полученных нашими предками после победы над исламом сотни лет назад. Важно, чтобы граждане Чехии представляли себе, чем является Саудовская Аравия, страна, с которой чешские политики заключают долгосрочные контракты и проводят встречи и переговоры.
Валентин Кусак, председатель чешских организаций против строительства мечетей - AntiMešita o.s. и AntiMešita-Envi o.s
Источник: пресс-релиз организации AntiMešita
pondělí 3. října 2011
Press Release AntiMešita axes

On 03/10/2011, the management of the University of Economics in Prague banned long announced and approved by the debate on the Islamization of danger for the Czech Republic, which was in place on the premises of the University of 3.10.2011 from 19.30 hours. For AntiMešita also co-organizing the association Cashflow President, Mr. Rektorys, all discussing (Mr. Roman Joch, doc. Martin Pot, Beatrice Radosa, Mr. Valentin Kusak) express outrage and disappointment over the procedure of Economics.
Based on email correspondence, which was running the University of protests from Muslims, was banned in a democratic state an objective debate on the Islamization of danger for the Czech Republic.
We are appalled by the application of a multicultural approach that is dying, and who spoke out against politicians across the political spectrum and across European countries including the Czech Republic. The worst legacy of multiculturalism is that people who fear the Islamization and against it, are afraid to speak openly, not to be immediately labeled as xenophobes or even Nazis and fascists. Muslims in the Czech Republic appear under their names, native Czechs appear only anonymously. Is not that perverse? Our discussion had to fight against the multicultural mindset.
AntiMešita activity aims to create community-wide discussion about the topic of Islamization of the Czech Republic. This work led us to the University on 10.3.2011 prohibited. I'm not a politician, I'm just a simple citizen of the Czech audiences. I am interested in the protection resulting from Jewish culture and Christian values, I want to protect democracy and won freedom for themselves and future generations. You can mark me for such words like fascist, extremist, neo-Nazi? I believe not.
Yet to me, and even discussing all the people in the discussion of the danger of Islamization of the Czech Republic Economics Management preserved, as if we were NACC dangerous fascists and extremists. It should be noted that this ban will encourage our part even greater efforts begin with the realization of the societal debate over the issue of Islamization of the Czech Republic, the necessity to consider the laws on immigration, religion and other such laws, and edit and create so that they are in the Czech dlouhobě Republic maintained the values of democracy and individual freedom.
Ing. Valentin Kusák
chairman AntiMešita o.s.
Hradec Králové, 3.10.2011
neděle 2. října 2011
Исламизация Чехии: недосказанное в официальных отчетах
Оценивая ежегодный доклад чешской службы по безопасности информации (БИС) за 2010 год, посвященный угрозе исламизации Чехии, должен признать, что я был сильно разочарован. Надеюсь, что БИС все же представит правительству и парламенту более тщательный и глубокий анализ.
В Чехии в отдельных случаях уже существует реальная угроза, в отличие о того, что пишется в докладе БИС. В отчете лишь говорится: "В некоторых случаях наблюдается идеологическая радикализация". Однако терроризм получает поддержку на территории Чехии, в частности, в мечетях Праги и Брно. Сведения о существующей поддержке терроризма были уже известны в 2010 году, а в 2011 уже обсуждались на страницах прессы. Уже в 2010 году были взяты под наблюдение исламские террористические ячейки, члены которых были в конечном счете арестованы.
Далее, в отчете говорится: "Важнейшим элементом радикализации БИС считает долгосрочную идеологическую пропаганду в СМИ..... на арабских телеканалах". В феврале 2011 я узнал, что в Чехии действует чешско-арабский телеканал HE-TV. Этот канал, получивший недавно право на вещание, транслирует свои передачи только на арабском, и стал носителем опасной идеологии, нацеленной на исламизацию Чехии. Заметьте, что в Коране есть слово джихад - джихад, который предшествует мечу и пламени, и целью которого является получение власти над миром. Странно, что это слово ни разу не упоминалось в докладе БИС.
В докладе говорится, что на территории Чехии нет людей, идеологически подготовленных к проведению террористических атак. Но я убежден, что это не так. Известно, что на территории Великобритании находится 3000 мусульман, прошедших подготовку в военных лагерях Аль-Каиды. В связи с этим, надо принять во внимание возможное их сотрудничество с иностранными разведслужбами. Говоря об Аль-Каиде, нужно упомянуть такие страны, как Иран, Ирак и Афганистан, и поэтому, необходимо, чтобы проводилось наблюдение за деятельностью их посольств, в частности самих сотрудников.
Когда речь заходит об организованной преступности, мусульман стараются не упоминать. Тогда как молельный дом на Вацловской Площади, в этом смысле, заслуживает гораздо большего внимания. Также, регулярное наблюдение за мечетями в Брно и Праге показывает какого рода люди встречаются там и как они связаны с организованной преступностью на территории Чехии.
Важную роль в развитии исламизации, подрывной деятельности и терроризма играет финансирование. Необходимо прекратить поток финансирования этой деятельности, идущий преимущественно из Саудовской Аравии. Нужно также контролировать источники финансирования определенных политических партий и отслеживать, куда идут деньги саудитов, передаваемые образовательным учреждениям и их сотрудникам. Тем не менее, анализ источников финансирования отсутствует в докладе БИС-а. А ведь, в конечном счете, все упирается в деньги. Вполне вероятно, что эти финансовые средства имеют связь с организованной преступностью, и связь эта зовется "коррупцией".
Валентин Кусак, председатель антиисламских организаций AntiMesita o.s. и AntiMesita-Envi o.s.
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