The War.
čtvrtek 20. září 2012
Stop Islamic Crimes Against Women. Inform your Congressman that Islam is Unlawful per United States Laws
America has welcomed and cared richly for more immigrants from more countries than all other nations in history - combined.
IslamoFascism UnWelcomeBut this unparalleled benevolence has one Condition: If your goal is to subvert U.S. Freedom, Democracy and Egalitarian Justice with an Islamofascist Totalitarian system that demonstrably oppresses, stones and beats women, calls for child bride pedophilia, the wanton murder of female adulterers, critics and defectors and authorizes every Muslim to appoint himself a Mujahideen Jihadi executioner of any infidel as he sees fit - then you are not welcome in the United States and are subject to punitive action as stipulated by numerous UNITED STATES LAWS.
Laws make Displaying or Disseminating the Q'uran Unlawful in the United States and render the Q'uran a Seditious and Treasonous Document
In order to preserve the lives of its citizens, government officials must weigh potential destruction of human lives and subversion of The Constitution against guarantees of religion, speech and press which, although sacrosanct in America, are not more precious than life itself and must be denied to forces which seek to annihilate them if Western Freedoms are to survive. - adapted from the Annotated First Amendment -Cornell Law School
The global spread of Islamic Theocracy, if not arrested with all force, will mean the End of Earth's Golden Age of Liberty and Justice for All in the West.
Freedoms we LOSE under Islam Barbaric Sharia Laws of Islam
1. Rule of the U.S. Constitution & Amendments
2. Free Speech
3. Religious Freedom
4. Secular Freedom
5. Sexual Freedoms
6. Freedom of the Press
7. Literary Freedoms
8. Freedoms of Marriage and Divorce
9. A Women's right not to be beaten or stoned
10. A Woman's right to claim inheritance, own property & hold Political Office
11. A Woman's right to hold Clerical Positions
12. Delightful Colorful Feminine Fashions
13. The United States Government
14. Gays Lose the Right to Live and are beheaded
1. Stoning and Beating of Women
2. Execution for Criticism
3. Death Penalty for Apostasy
4. Execution for Blasphemy
5. Death Penalty for Satire
6. Amputating hands & feet for petty crimes
7. Burkha Death Bag Face Censorship
8. Mandatory Prayers & Mosque Attendance
9. Honor Killing / Raping Daughters
10. Execution for Atheism
11. Death Penalty for Adultery
12. Women Beaten for Singing
13. Legal Rape of Wives
14. Women & men must be raped before execution
15. Churches & Synagogues are Forbidden
Muslims are obligated to obey, imitate and disseminate to children during their most impressionable formative years, the violent teachings and biography of Mohammad, collectively called the Sunnah, comprising the life and sayings of Mohammad in the Sira and Hadith, along with the Q'uran, a frankensteinish plagiarism of the most brutal laws and barbaric practices of the 7th century. Because Mohammad was illiterate and unable to comprehend the Torah, he was unaware that practices of stoning, eye gouging and amputations were abandoned by the Jews by 30 B.C.. Nevertheless, Mohammad insisted on resurrecting these barbarisms and Muslim countries disgracefully practice them to this day.
Since Mohammad is held to be the perfect role model for all Muslims for all time, Mohammad's actions and teachings are a VIRAL MEME powered by "divine authority," convincing Muslims they have a SPECIAL PRIVILEDGE TO KILL AND RULE OVER INFIDELS whose offense to allah is worse then their murder.
How this SATANIC MEME plays out is not mysterious as the world watches Muslims all over the world imitating Mohammad's pattern of barbaric sadistic violence that included crucifying, burning people alive, pedophillia, rape, brigandry, robbery, looting, pillaging, murder and constant war.
In the clearest most certain terms, the Q'uran and Sunnah well articulate a master plan to subjugate the entire world to Islam through violence, coercion, duplicity and subversion. For a United States President or Representative to not acknowledge these incontrovertible truths or take grave extraordinary measures to combat the Islamic threat to everything America stands for, is dereliction of duty and criminal negligence. For the average citizen, respecting evil is evil and respecting, defending and supporting Islam implicates and makes one complicit in every act of stoning, amputation, beheading and terrorism born of the Islamic plague.
If one outrageously claims terrorists bear no resemblance to Mohammad, his first Caliphs, Islamic history or the Q'uran, one hasn't studied Islamic history, read the Q'uran or the Sunnah. Read them now: Q'uotes from Mohammad.
Q'uranic Muslims walking in the footsteps of Mohammad, comfort, aid, adhere to, harbor and abet by every means, enemies of the State who plot and execute sabotage, mayhem, violence and deadly terroristic coercion through a global Islamic cartel to which every Muslim in America belongs by their pledge to obey the Q'uran and follow Mohammad's desire to annihilate every non-Islamic form of government. 66 countries and cultures have been annihilated and assimilated by Islam: The UK and U.S. are next.
Islam will not quit until every Free Western Light of Democracy is extinguished and replaced with brutal Islamic Totalitarian Theocracy. Listen to Thomas Jefferson express his estimation of Islam:
The right was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise. - Thomas Jefferson
Laws of the United States of America compel our President and America's leaders to acknowledge the threat of Islam and take action to protect America's Freedoms, Democratic Government and People from the Islamic Meme that seeks to
Every time Muslims congregate and advocate, edit, publish or display the Q'uran they break U.S. laws as they conspire to institute Sharia Law.
It's time the full force of the laws of Life were levied against the cult of Death. Islamic teachings of violence and treason are no longer welcome in America. America has incredulously looked the other way for too long. Muslims cannot be allowed to continue breaking our laws and plotting our demise by advocating the violent subversion enumerated in the Q'uran and by giving comfort and adherence to enemies of the state with whom the U.S. is at war.
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