German Chancellor Angela Merkel sharply in 2010, joined the debate on Islam and immigration. "Multiculturalism has failed completely," DPA quoted agency chancellor, who flatly said that all immigrants must learn fluent German. The iDnes circles still say, as an objective in the publication of articles. My opinion is that the bond is tied iDnes called Multikulti.
I present a record of 9 June 2011 at 17:00 :
in the FB group support mosque in Hradec Kralove Muslim Lhoťan Luke wrote, "Hmm, well but why? IDnes did dig multiculturalism ... ....
Multiculturalism does not recognize the existence of a dominant culture. I wrote to Chancellor Merkel wants immigrants to learn German Neck. Sarrazin to in October 2010 said, "But I think the Czechs will not understand this well. And the Czechs also want their descendants in Bohemia and Moravia lived a hundred years between the Czechs and Czech speaking together. Small nations have for this usually charge a much greater understanding than large nations. Therefore, the Danes and the Dutch react much more sensitively than we have responded in Germany.. " I say "We wish that they strengthened the Czechs."
President Vaclav Klaus said in 2005 in
"Mass migration was a false ideology, that is some claim, a general human right to roam anywhere in the world," he said in an interview for Saturday's Mlada fronta Dnes President Vaclav Klaus. He also said that multiculturalism is wrong and damaging to him and all paying the price. If someone wants to immigrate, they should log on to the complete assimilation of a new country and not to remain anchored in its original environment. On the Czech political scene led to the sharp criticism of Klaus's views.
To this was not enough, apparently iDnes supports regimes like Syria to be. This published on its iDnes "The Syrian state television it was reported:" The Czech newspaper Mlada fronta criticize the great disinformation campaign against Syria. ".
IDnes media protested against this. So it is all weighted objective Multikulti iDnes editors. Multikulti That you say about you , weighted iDnes Lhotan. So let's tell him dyžtak
Mr. Chairman AntiMešita Kusak Valentin, Axes and AntiMešita Envi-os
The War.
pátek 30. září 2011
čtvrtek 29. září 2011
Economic impacts of the construction of mosques for residents of the Czech Republic

With the construction of mosques in the cities of the Czech Republic and their implications for residents of Czech audiences and Czech cities is also related to economic factors. In terms of long-term it is likely that in the vicinity of the mosque will be increased negative effects resulting from the presence of large number of Muslims. Near the mosque, the building will be in the big city where there is a higher concentration of real estate located hundreds of apartments and houses that currently have a certain value. If negative - long - the influence of the Muslims, the demand for real estate in the vicinity of mosques reduced. And according to the principle of supply and demand is clear that house prices fall near the mosques. If I consider these facts :
1st in the vicinity of mosques, a stronger presence of Muslims leads to drop house prices by about 10-20% (experiences from abroad / Germany)
2 take into account the 500 apartments and houses near the largest mosque
in the third average price of flat / house set at 1 500 000 CZK
According to the above, I know: the current value of the property is 500 x 1 500 000 = 750 000 000 CZK. The decrease in the amount of degradation of 10 to 20% is 75 - 150 000 000 CZK. Owners of apartments and houses should harm (75 to 150 million CZK), which they will be implementing the mosque arise judicially enforce the culprit that caused the implementation of the mosque - as a Muslim community or by another individual or entity. legal entity. I will be harmed property owners near the mosque, where there is a drop in prices of real estate, doporučovat.soudní process of recovering their damages.
But no economic damage due to individuals owning property or businesses, etc. to the property owning. Real estate transfer tax is the income of the state budget. Her selection due to a fall in house prices also fall and though the amount is relatively small, it is necessary to this fact in terms of system mentioned.
The above warning is nothing theoretical. Already present in mosques in Prague and Brno Muslim preaches 'lecturers' support for terrorism in the world and these people incite Muslims contradicted in relation to democracy and freedoms in society in the Czech Republic. For these reasons, the mosque in the Czech Republic in the viewfinder, intelligence services and special departments PCR. It is some "secret" that the mosque in Prague meets a large number of foreigners but also the Czechs, who have a positive relationship with problem-free life within the limits of laws existing in the Czech Republic.
The issue of Islamization of the Czech Republic and gained significant economic dimension.
Ing. Valentin Kusak AntiMešita Chairman, and axis AntiMešita Envi-os
úterý 27. září 2011
Democratic nation and green homeland.

Just so I sat and I thought about some words in mind and what cause. "Democratic", "folk", "green" - so these words are perceived at least some segments of the population positively. "National," "patriotic," God forbid the word "resistance" are a priori perceived negatively. Why? Is this correct?
I sat there and suddenly I thought, why should I even rooted in mind that if you hear of a political party, association, an initiative that has the name "National ..."," Patriotic .. "zbystřím attention. On the contrary, the adjectives "Democratic ..." "Folk ...."," Green ... " evoke an impression of solidity. So "Green ..." in me a positive feeling invoked. I'm not breaking down on corruption, etc.. That is rampant throughout society and politics and it does not matter what the words in the title.
For some strange words I feel a priori, and I'm careful. After all, words like "nation", "homeland" should be a symbol of goodness, pride and heroism of our ancestors who contributed to, as we have today. Yes, it is true that the names "National ..."," Patriotic ... " in practice are often associated with extremism. But this is the reason we in the country and hated nation? Certainly not. We are the Czechs, who always fought for their national identity. Let's be proud of the word "national", "patriotic". keep in mind that we must be patriotic and fight for his nation and our society. I now work with other people against the Islamization of the Czech Republic. If we do not we all in our nation and our country proud and will fight for them, we may backfire.
I'm rooted in the word in the title of the initiative, the association as "National ..."," Patriotic .. " sharpen attention. We are in the Statutes that distance ourselves from extremism. On the other hand, I always consider that the nation and country are my goal of all endeavors.
I confess something to you: decide to work with someone (whether human or grouping) is not easy. Very much wish that multiculturalism did not cause that the word "nation" and "homeland" stop to appreciate.
Mr. Chairman AntiMešita Kusak Valentin, Axes and AntiMešita Envi-os
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